Additional Events & Formats

Bliss Winter Cup

Event Date:  1 December 2023 - 20 March 2024

Duelists! We are thrilled to announce we will be holding the Bliss Winter Cup! The event will be held from 1st December 2023 to 20th March 2024 in UK and Ireland!

What is the Bliss Winter Cup?

Participating OTS stores will be holding an event called the Bliss Winter Cup, which consists of 4 tournaments. During these tournaments, Duelists will have the opportunity to earn points for the prize wall, ahead of the Nationals.  Each Duelist participating in these tournaments will receive 1 prize wall point per complete round played, regardless of the outcome.

At participating OTS – ask at your local store or check back here for a list using the Store Locator page soon!

Who can participate?
The Bliss Winter Cup is open to any duellist in good standing.

How do I participate?
Please check the entry requirements with your participating local OTS.

What can I receive in return?
Duelists will receive 1 Prize Wall point per complete round played during this event, regardless of the outcome.

What are the conditions?

  • Duelists can only redeem their prize wall points at the UK Nationals 2024.
  • Duelists can obtain a maximum of 24 prize wall points across the entirety of the Bliss Winter Cup tournaments.

Important Information

Please ensure that you are using your Neuron KCGN IDs when participating in this event, as your prize wall points will be added to this ID at the Nationals.