Regulations & Penalties
Penalties are carried out in the event of rule violations which may cause hindrance to others and/or disruption of the event.
Please note that the penalties listed on this page is not exhaustive, and the actual penalties enforced may vary depending on severity.
The Official Tournament Rules & Regulations will be used as a guideline for Judges to determine the penalties to be issued, including its severity.
Heavier penalties may be issued for Duelists caught repeating these violations.
Types of Penalties
A: Cautions
Cautions are given to inform a player that he/she has violated certain rules, and to be aware of them in the future.
B: Warnings
Warnings are given to inform a player that he/she has violated the rules.
These are to be considered more serious than Cautions.
C: Duel Forfeiture
Duelists given this penalty will instantly lose the current duel.
If this penalty takes place between duels, the Duelist will then forfeit their next duel.
D: Match Forfeiture
Duelists given this penalty will instantly lose the current duel.
If this penalty takes place between duels, the Duelist will then forfeit their next duel.
E: Disqualification
The Duelist loses the current match, and is disqualified from the tournament.
However, the Duelist may keep any prizes and/or awards that he/she has won before the penalty was applied.
F: Total Disqualification
The Duelist loses the current match, and is disqualified from the tournament.
The Duelist will also be required to forfeit any prizes and/or awards that he/she has won before the penalty was applied.
Deck & Card-related Violations
Deck Violations
Having a Main Deck of less than 40 cards, or more than 60 cards
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Please make sure your decks have the appropriate number of cards.
Having more than 3 of the same card in your deck(s) combined
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Please make sure to remove these from your deck, and replace them with other cards.
Having forbidden cards in your Main/Side/Extra Deck
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Please take out those forbidden cards, and replace them with other cards.
Having too many Limited/Semi-Limited cards in your Main/Side/Extra Deck
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Please take out those cards, and replace them with other cards.
Deck List/Roster Violations
Deck Lists will be cross-checked with the duelist's deck(s) for events which require a Deck List submission.
Duelists caught with mismatched decks and lists will be forced to forfeit the event.
To prevent this, please make sure the conternts of your deck(s) match the submitted deck list.
Duel-related Violations
Unintentional misinterpretation of rules and/or Card descriptions
Penalty: Caution
If this happens before a critical point of the duel (determined by the Judge), the duel may be reset to the state before the mistake took place. Otherwise, the duel will continue as normal.
The penalty will be given to whichever Duelist's turn it is when the mistake took place.
Unintentionally drawing too many cards
Penalty: Warning
Place the excess cards drawn back on top of the deck the cards were drawn from.
However, a "Duel Forfeiture" penalty will be issued to the Duelist if:
* The drawn cards cannot be identified
* The situation is irreversible
* The card drawn is decisive to determine the winner of the Duel
Unintentionally seeing the contents of a face-down card (or one you shouldn't see)
Penalty: Caution
Return the card in its appropriate position.
If the card in question is determined to be decisive to the game's outcome, a "Duel Forfeiture" penalty will be issued to the Duelist.
Intentional misinterpretation of any rules or card descriptions
Penalty: Total Disqualification
Not being in your assigned place on time
Penalty: Warning
Not being in your assigned place 5 minutes after the given time
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Not being in your assigned place 10 minutes after the assigned time
Penalty: Match Forfeiture
Markings on Cards and/or Protectors
Unintentional or non-distinctive markings
Penalty: Caution
Please change the card sleeves/protectors to make sure the card is no longer marked.
Markings concluded to be intentional
Penalty: Duel Forfeiture
Duelists will then be required to change the card sleeves/protectors to make sure the card is no longer marked.
Unnecessary Delays
Unintentionally taking too long on a single turn
Penalty: Caution
Please note that the Judge may issue more severe penalties if this is determined to affect the outcome of the match (based on the circumstances).
Intentionally stalling for time
Penalty: Match Forfeiture
Duel/Match Fixing
Deciding the winner of a match without dueling (e.g. Rock-Paper-Scissors)
Penalty: Disqualification
Bribery involving money, cards, or any other means
Penalty: Total Disqualification
Intentionally lying about match outcomes
Penalty: Total Disqualification
Talking/Chatting during a duel
Talking or asking for advice from other players, spectators, and/or any nearby third party during your duel
Penalty: Warning
The judge may enforce more serious penalties if the conversations are concluded to have an impact on the outcome of the match.
Usage of mobile phones (talking, text chatting, etc) during a duel for non-emergency purposes
Penalty: Warning
The judge may enforce more serious penalties if the conversations are concluded to have an impact on the outcome of the match.
Judges have the right to inspect Duelists' phones if suspected of cheating using them.
Heckling and/or harassing of other duelists by the Duelist, or by their supporters
Penalty: Warning
The Duelist is responsible for all actions by his/her supporters (if relationship is proven to be genuine),
and the Judge reserves the right to enforce more serious penalties if the resulting actions heavily affect the outcome of the duels/matches.