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Latin America Remote Duel
Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series

Updated: 1/16/2025

Latin America Remote Duel
Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series

Latin America Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (Remote Duel YCS)

  • This will be a two-day virtual event held from Febrauary 8-9, 2025.
  • The Remote Duel YCS is open to all Duelists in Latin America!



You can select more information and view the Registration/Main Event and Public Event schedules  for this event from the drop-down menu at the top of this page.

Updated: 1/16/2025


Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (Remote Duel YCS)

  • This will be a two-day virtual event held from February 8th, 2025 through February 9th, 2025.
  • The Remote Duel YCS is open to all Duelists in Latin America!
  • Registration for the Remote Duel YCS Main Event will require two steps:
    • STEP 1: Based on your country of residence, you may register for the Remote Duel YCS Main Event at one of The OTS below:
CountryCityOTSDiscord LinkContact EmailPacks Purchased for Entry
ArgentinaBuenos AiresDimagamehttps://discord.gg/bbQPG5Uhyugiohdimagame@gmail.com2
BoliviaCochabambaLast Trickhttps://discord.gg/SsjWhUyJf3lasttrick.bolivia@gmail.com3
BrazilManausDaisuki Variedadeshttps://discord.gg/HeASfYClojadaisukicards@gmail.com5
ChileSantiagoExodia Househttps://discord.gg/2fGCPhfY6uexodiahouse@gmail.com4
ChileSantiagoTCG Lifehttps://discord.gg/3mwJN9pTtcglifetienda@gmail.com4
ColombiaBogotaRyodan Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/PyKuUGkQryodanhobbycenter@gmail.com5
ColombiaBogotaUnlimited Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/GBVxHMEmbyunlimitedhobbycenter@hotmail.com5
Costa RicaAlajuelaOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
ColombiaSanta MartaAba Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/cjuMzEjmabahobbycenter@gmail.com5
Costa RicaHerediaOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
Costa RicaSan JoseOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
Dominican RepublicSanto DomingoThe Wiri Storehttps://discord.gg/syzCasuainfo@thewirisotregc.com4
EcuadorQuitoPresi´s Corphttps://discord.gg/kwTNFghTshiva_186@hotmail.com4
HondurasTegucigalpaTCG Storehttps://discord.com/invite/QjjCur3remoteduelhn@gmail.com4
JamaicaMontego BayTraders Shackhttps://discord.gg/WEbnBHYgtradersshack@gmail.com3
MexicoCoatzacoalcosBattle City Coatzacoalcoshttps://discord.gg/QB2JTHdbattle_city_op@hotmail.com5
MexicoHermosilloMundo del Comichttps://discord.com/invite/zBg77wemundodelcomic@gmail.com5
MexicoMeridaTenumi Comicshttps://discord.gg/RWK2QZm7h3tenumicomics@gmail.com5
MexicoMexico CityMonster Sprimhttps://discord.gg/h3uzVCdmbpventas@monstersprim.com.mx5
MexicoTamaulipasVictory Roadhttps://discord.gg/TuBQjVNCvictoryroad.tampico@gmail.com5
NicaraguaManaguaTCG Arenahttps://discord.gg/XxEk3zztcgnicaragua@gmail.com4
PanamaPanamáNación Geekhttps://discord.gg/Sqsw3qMtVHventas@nacion-geek.com5
PeruLimaCarloncho Storehttps://discord.gg/Bvq8ATFqetcarloncho.store.torneos@gmail.com5
Trinidad & TobagoTBDTBDTBDTBD4
VenezuelaValenciaHobbie´s Placehttps://discord.gg/CRtsCt4hobbiesplacevzla@gmail.con4


STEP 2: Once you register with the OTS hosting Main Event registration in your country of residence, you will need for submit your Deck List here:

REMEMBER! This registration on https://yugiohregistration.com/Events/Register.aspx?id=13873 is in addition to registering with the OTS in your country. You must register both with the OTS in your country and on https://yugiohregistration.com in order to fully register for the event. On the Register page linked above, you will select the Deck List you created in order to submit it. When you click the Register button, the Deck List will be submitted. Once the Deck List is submitted, it can no longer be changed.

If you reside in Latin America and you country of residence is not listed above, please email opsupport.lat@devir.com and state that you would like to participate in the Latin America Remote Duel YCS – February 2025 but reside in a country without an OTS hosting Registration.

Please include what country you are from and a Devir representative will be in contact with you in order to complete your registration. Please note that Duelists residing in countries that are not listed above will only be able to register from January 25th through February 5th, 2025.

For countries like Mexico that have several registration locations, please ensure that you are registering at the location closest to you.  For example, players in Mexico City should register with Monster Sprim and NOT Battle City Coatzacoalcos.

For Public Event registration, please see the Public Events section of this FAQ.

Date & Address

February 8 - February 9

Hosted on Discord (check schedule)

Registration & Event Schedule (Main Event)


Registration for the Remote Duel YCS opens at 12:00 AM CT on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025.

Registration will remain open until 11:59 PM CT on February 5th. Any Duelist that does not register before this time will only be able to register late.


All registrations for the Remote Duel YCS will be done via one of the Tournament Organizers assisting KDE-US in hosting this event from the list below. There will be at least one (1) OTS accepting registration for the Remote Duel YCS in most countries within Latin America. If your country is not listed, please see the What should I do if my Country is not listed on the registration site list? section below.

Duelists are required to have a mailing address in a Latin American country in order to participate in this event. When you register for the event, you will indicate where you would like your participation prizes to be shipped (to a local OTS or to your residence) or if you would like to pick them up directly from the OTS you registered at for the Remote Duel YCS.

Once Duelists have registered for the Remote Duel YCS at the OTS corresponding to their country of residence, all Duelists will then need to create an account in https://yugiohregistration.com, register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS, follow directions on the site to create a Deck List, and submit it between January 1st, 2025 through February 5th, 2025.

For details on how to create a Deck List, you can reference the How do I create my Deck List on the registration website? section of these FAQ.


Registration Site List  (this is for registration ONLY)

Country City OTS Discord Link Contact Email Packs Purchased for Entry
Argentina Buenos Aires Dimagame https://discord.gg/bbQPG5Uh yugiohdimagame@gmail.com 2
Bolivia Cochabamba Last Trick https://discord.gg/SsjWhUyJf3 lasttrick.bolivia@gmail.com 3
Brazil Manaus Daisuki Variedades https://discord.gg/HeASfYC lojadaisukicards@gmail.com 5
Chile Santiago TCG Life https://discord.gg/3mwJN9pT tcglifetienda@gmail.com 4
Colombia Bogota Ryodan Hobby Center https://discord.gg/PyKuUGkQ ryodanhobbycenter@gmail.com 5
Colombia Bogota Unlimited Hobby Center https://discord.gg/GBVxHMEmby unlimitedhobbycenter@hotmail.com 5
Costa Rica Alajuela OMEGA Card Game Store https://discord.gg/rMfGpNK inscripcion.omega@gmail.com 3
Colombia Santa Marta Aba Hobby Center https://discord.gg/cjuMzEjm abahobbycenter@gmail.com 5
Costa Rica Heredia OMEGA Card Game Store https://discord.gg/rMfGpNK inscripcion.omega@gmail.com 3
Costa Rica San Jose OMEGA Card Game Store https://discord.gg/rMfGpNK inscripcion.omega@gmail.com 3
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo The Wiri Store https://discord.gg/syzCasua info@thewirisotregc.com 4
Ecuador Quito Presi´s Corp https://discord.gg/kwTNFghT shiva_186@hotmail.com 4
El Salvador TBD TBD TBD TBD 5
Guatemala Guatemala MadHouse https://discord.gg/k3Dwry7A bodega.madhouse33@gmail.com 4
Honduras Tegucigalpa TCG Store https://discord.com/invite/QjjCur3 remoteduelhn@gmail.com 4
Jamaica Montego Bay Traders Shack https://discord.gg/WEbnBHYg tradersshack@gmail.com 3
Mexico Coatzacoalcos Battle City Coatzacoalcos https://discord.gg/QB2JTHd battle_city_op@hotmail.com 5
Mexico Hermosillo Mundo del Comic https://discord.com/invite/zBg77we mundodelcomic@gmail.com 5
Mexico Merida Tenumi Comics https://discord.gg/RWK2QZm7h3 tenumicomics@gmail.com 5
Mexico Mexico City Monster Sprim https://discord.gg/h3uzVCdmbp ventas@monstersprim.com.mx 5
Mexico Tamaulipas Victory Road https://discord.gg/TuBQjVNC victoryroad.tampico@gmail.com 5
Nicaragua TBD TBD TBD TBD 4
Paraguay TBD TBD TBD TBD 5
Peru Lima Carloncho Store https://discord.gg/Bvq8ATFqet carloncho.store.torneos@gmail.com 5
Trinidad & Tobago TBD TBD TBD TBD 4
Venezuela TBD TBD TBD TBD 4



Once Duelists have registered for the Remote Duel YCS at the OTS corresponding to their country of residence, all Duelists will then need to create an account in https://yugiohregistration.com, register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS, follow directions on the site to create a  Deck List, and submit it between January 24th, 2025 through February 5th, 2025. You do not need to turn in a Deck List when you register at the OTS in your country of residence, but you must turn in a Deck List on https://yugiohregistration.com before 11:59 PM CT on Wednesday February 5th. If you do not submit a Deck List on https://yugiohregistration.com by the 11:59 PM CT deadline, you will be automatically dropped from the event.


You can create your Deck List here:


After you have completed your Deck List, you will need to submit it. Deck Lists submitted online can be resubmitted up until 11:59 PM CT on February 5th, 2025. At that time, the submitted Deck List becomes final and cannot be changed. No Deck List submitted after February 5th, 2025 can be changed.


REMEMBER! In order to submit your Deck List, you will need to register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS. Duelists are responsible to make sure that they are registering with the same information on both https://yugiohregistration.com and the OTS assigned to their country of residence.


You can register to submit your Deck List here:

This registration on https://yugiohregistration.com/Events/Register.aspx?id=13873 is in addition to registering with the OTS in your country. You must register both with the OTS in your country and on https://yugiohregistration.com in order to fully register for the event. On the Register page linked above, you will select the Deck List you created in order to submit it. When you click the Register button, the Deck List will be submitted. Once the Deck List is submitted, it can no longer be changed.

Late registration will open at 12:00 AM CT on February 6th, 2025 and remain open until 11:00 AM CT on February 7th, 2025. Anyone that registers late will receive a Round one (1) loss for the Remote Duel YCS.


Remote Duel YCS Registration Opens at select OTS January 1st, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Deck List submission opens at https://yugiohregistration.com, January 1st, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Registration Closes and Deck List submission deadline February 5th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT
Remote Duel YCS Late Registration Opens February 6th, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Late Registration Closes February 7th, 2025 at 11:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Day 1 scheduled to begin February 8th, 2025 at 10:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Day 2 scheduled to begin February 9th, 2025at 9:00 AM CT


IMPORTANT!! Duelists residing in countries that are not listed at the top of the page will only be allowed to register from January 24th through February 5th, 2025.

Public Events


  • What are the different types of Public Events?
  • When are Public Events scheduled?
  • How do I sign up for Public Events?
  • How long will each Remote Duel Match last?
  • What is a Single-Elimination Tournament?
  • What are the rules for a DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Tournament?
  • What are the rules for a MASTER DUEL Remote Duel Tournament?
  • What are the rules for a Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Tournament?
  • What is the Speed Duel Public Events Limited List for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What are the rules for a Remote Duel Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Tournament?
  • What are the rules for a Time Wizard Tournament?


Q: What are the different types of Public Events?

A: The following events will take place during the weekend on several Discord Servers:

Event Packs Purchased for Entry # of Duelists Format Prizing****

(Requires Deck List)

3 Booster Packs in host country 32 Duelists** Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Advanced Constructed Single-Elimination 1st Place: Oversized Yu-Gi-Oh! Card


2025 Regional Qualifiers (16-Duelist Flights)  (Requires Deck List) 2 Booster Packs in host country 16 Duelists Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Advanced Constructed Single-Elimination 1st Place: An invite to the next WCQ, Regional Card Case, and 2025 Regional Game Mat
DUEL LINKS Tournaments
2 Booster Packs in host country 4-8 Duelists Remote Duel DUEL LINKS Format
1st Place: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (chibi) Pin and “Lion” embroidered DUEL LINKS Prize Patch

2nd Place: “Ox” embroidered DUEL LINKS Prize Patch

3rd Place: “Bear” embroidered DUEL LINKS Prize Patch

MASTER DUEL Tournaments (Ongoing) 2 Booster Packs in host country 8 Duelists Remote Duel MASTER DUEL Format, Single-Elimination 1st Place: MASTER DUEL Desk Mat
Speed Duel Constructed Tournaments (Ongoing) Equivalent of 4 Speed Duel booster packs in your country 4-8 Duelists Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Format
1st Place: Speed Duel Game MatSpeed Duel KC Coin

2nd Place: Speed Duel KC Coin

Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Remote Duel Tournaments
2 Booster Packs in host country 4-8 Duelists  Sealed Remote Duel Structure Deck Format


1st Place: Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Game Mat
Time Wizard Tournaments
2 Booster Packs in host country 8-16 Duelists Remote Duel Time Wizard Advanced Constructed Single-Elimination 1st Place: Time Wizard Game Mat
Win-A-Mat Tournaments
1 Booster Pack in host country 4-8 Duelists Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Advanced Constructed Single-Elimination 1st Place: Win-A-Mat Game Mat



**Maximum capacity may be raised to 128 at the Tournament Organizer’s discretion.

***Must have your own copy of Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny in order to participate.

All Prizing in the chart above is while supplies last. Some events may launch with alternate prizing if prizing runs out. Any changes will be announced prior to Registration opening for that event.



2025 Regional Game Mat



Blue-Eyes White Dragon (chibi) pin

DUEL LINKS Prize Patches





Speed Duel Prizes

Speed Duel Game Mats

Speed Duel Coin


 Structure Deck Tournament Prize

Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny


Time Wizard Prize

Time Wizard Game Mat


Win-A-Mat Tournament Prize

Win-A-Mat Game Mat


Q: When are Public Events scheduled?

A: Public Events will be scheduled through the whole weekend on select Discord servers.

Please check with the Tournament Organizer that’s closer your residence via Discord for Public Event start times.

Country City OTS Discord Link Contact Email
Brazil Manaus Daisuki Variedades https://discord.gg/HeASfYC lojadaisukicards@gmail.com
Colombia Bogota Unlimited Hobby Center https://discord.gg/GBVxHMEmby unlimitedhobbycenter@hotmail.com
Ecuador Quito Presi´s Corp https://discord.gg/kwTNFghT shiva_186@hotmail.com
Mexico Coatzacoalcos Battle City Coatzacoalcos https://discord.gg/QB2JTHd battle_city_op@hotmail.com
Mexico Mexico City Monster Sprim https://discord.gg/h3uzVCdmbp ventas@monstersprim.com.mx



Q: How do I sign up for Public Events?

A: All Duelists who wish to register for Public Events should do so on the Discord server that Is closer to where he or she resides


Q: How long will each Remote Duel Match last?

A: Each Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 50-minute time limit.

Each Speed Duel Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 40-minute time limit.

Each DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 45-minute time limit.

Each MASTER DUEL Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 50-minute time limit.


Card Game Games Played Time Limit
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Best 2-out-of-3 50 Minutes
Speed Duel Best 2-out-of-3 40 Minutes
DUEL LINKS Best 2-out-of-3 45 Minutes
MASTER DUEL Best 2-out-of-3 50 Minutes


Q: What is a Single-Elimination Tournament?

A: Half of the tournament is eliminated after each Round – the losing Duelist is out of the tournament, while the winner goes on to the next Round. This continues until only one Duelist remains, which is then declared the winner.


Q: What are the Rules for a DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Tournament?

A: This event allows you to use your own device and connect to others remotely for a DUEL LINKS format, Single-Elimination event. Test your Deck builds in a Duel using the latest DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited restrictions to compete for DUEL LINKS Prize Patches and the new 1st place Pin (while supplies last)!

  • Rounds will be played best of three (3) Duels.
  • For Games 2 and 3, please ignore the results of the coin toss and have the Duelist that lost the previous game choose to go first or second.
  • Rounds will be 45 minutes long.

Between each Duel, you may use your Side Deck to alter your Deck for the next Duel.

  • Your Side Deck can consist of between 0 to 12 of the following;
    • Between 0 and 12 cards
    • Between 0 and 3 Legendary Duelists with a Character Skill
      • For example, a Side Deck could be made up of 9 cards and 3 additional Legendary Duelists with a Character Skill or 1 additional Legendary Duelist with 3 different Character Skills
    • Any changes can be made to the Deck between Duels of a Match, including the following:
      • Adding Cards
      • Subtracting Cards
      • Changing Legendary Duelist
      • Changing Character Skill
    • The Deck must be legal for play (appropriate number of cards in the Main and Side Deck, complies with the Forbidden and Limited list available within the DUEL LINKS app).
    • If the Duelist believes there is an error or other issue with their Deck, they should contact a Judge immediately.
    • After you finish preparing your Deck, please notify the judge that you have completed Side Decking and are ready to start your next Duel.
    • Failure to do this by the 3-minute mark may result in appropriate penalties.
      • If there are any issues while Side Decking or connecting to the room after confirming you are ready for your next Duel, please notify a judge immediately.
    • Duelists are required to revert their Deck back to its original Deck prior to the start of each Match in an On-Demand Single-Elimination Public Event. Players must have a DUEL LINKS legal-for-play Deck prior to each played Game/Match.
      • Some DUEL LINKS Events will require Deck Lists, please be sure to check event information regarding Deck Lists to confirm.

In case of a disconnect, win/loss will be determined by the result given in-game.  If the app crashes, or both Duelists disconnect simultaneously and a win is not decided, the Duelists will restart that Duel using the same Decks.  Side Decking will not be allowed for that specific Duel.

Instructions on how the competitors can connect to the in-game Tournament Room will be provided once you are seated for the events.

Duelists will need to have the latest DUEL LINKS app installed on their device and reached Stage 4 or higher to participate in Tournaments.  The current version at the time of posting if v. 9.40.0, please check the announcements channel on the RD YCS server for the latest version prior to signing up for a DUEL LINKS event.


Q: What are the Rules for a MASTER DUEL Remote Duel Tournament?

A: This event allows you to use your own device and connect to others remotely for a MASTER DUEL format, Single-Elimination event. Test your Deck builds in a Duel using the latest MASTER DUEL Forbidden and Limited restrictions to compete for MASTER DUEL Prizes (while supplies last)!

  • Rounds will be played best of three (3) Duels.
  • For Games 2 and 3, please ignore the results of the coin toss and have the Duelist that lost the previous game choose to go first or second.
  • Rounds will be 50 minutes long.

Between each Duel, you may use your Side Deck to alter your Deck for the next Duel.

  • Your Side Deck is every card in your collection.
  • Any changes can be made to the Deck between Duels of a Match, including the following:
    • Adding Cards
    • Subtracting Cards
  • The Deck must be legal for play (appropriate number of cards in the Main and Side Deck, complies with the Forbidden and Limited list available within the MASTER DUEL app).
  • If the Duelist believes there is an error or other issue with their Deck, they should contact a Judge immediately.
  • After you finish preparing your Deck, please notify the judge that you have completed Side Decking and are ready to start your next Duel.
  • Failure to do this by the 3-minute mark may result in appropriate penalties.
    • If there are any issues while Side Decking or connecting to the room after confirming you are ready for your next Duel, please notify a judge immediately.
  • Duelists are required to revert their Deck back to its original Deck prior to the start of each Match in an On-Demand Single-Elimination Public Event. Players must have a MASTER DUEL legal-for-play Deck prior to each played Game/Match.
    • Some MASTER DUEL Events will require Deck Lists, please be sure to check event information regarding Deck Lists to confirm.

In case of a disconnect, win/loss will be determined by the result given in-game.  If the app crashes, or both Duelists disconnect simultaneously and a win is not decided, the Duelists will restart that Duel using the same Decks.  Side Decking will not be allowed for that specific Duel.

Instructions on how the competitors can connect to the in-game Tournament Room will be provided once you are seated for the events.

Duelists will need to have the latest MASTER DUEL app installed on their device to participate in Tournaments. Ensure you have opened MASTER DUEL on the device you intend to use before joining the tournament to ensure you have the latest version.


Q: What are the rules for a Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Tournament?

A: Duelists must use their own Speed Duel Deck to play in a Constructed Speed Duel event.

  • Each Round is 50 minutes long.
  • Each Duelist begins the game with 4000 Life Points.
  • Each Duelist begins the game with four (4) cards as their starting hand.
  • Skill Card effects do not use the chain.
  • Each Duelist has three (3) Main Monster Zones, three (3) Spell & Trap Zones, and one (1) Field Zone.
  • The Duelist going first does not draw a card on their opening turn.
  • The hand size limit is six (6) cards.
  • Each Duelist may have an active Field Spell Card.

To build your own Constructed Speed Duel Deck, you will need to follow these requirements before entering an event.

  • Only cards with a Speed Duel Logo can be used in your Deck.
  • Your Deck includes the Main Deck and may include a Side Deck and/or Extra Deck.
  • You may not have more than three (3) copies of any card included in your Main Deck, Side Deck, and Extra Deck combined.
  • Your Main Deck must have a minimum of 20 cards, and a maximum of 30 cards (cards in the Side and Extra Decks do not count towards this total).
  • In a Constructed tournament, you may use a Side Deck consisting of 0 to 6 cards in addition to your Main Deck. Skill Cards can be included in your Side Deck.
  • If you choose not to use a Skill Card during the first Duel of a Match and you have Skill Cards in your Side Deck, you may use a Skill Card from the Side Deck as part of the Side Deck process for Game 2 or Game 3.
  • If you choose to use a Skill Card during the first Duel of a Match, you may opt not to use a Skill Card for subsequent Duels in the Match.
  • In a Constructed Tournament, you may use an Extra Deck consisting of 0 to 6 Extra Deck Monsters.

Players can review the Speed Duel Policy Document here; https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/Speed_Duel_Addendum-Official_KDE-US_YGO_TCG_Policy.pdf

In addition to the Speed Duel Policy Document, Speed Duelists should be aware of Skill Card Text and Skill Card Rules updates. These changes can be reviewed here: https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2021/11/skillcard-update/.


Q: What is the Speed Duel Public Events Limited List for the Remote Duel YCS?


Speed Duel Public Events Limited List

An event-only Limited List for all Speed Duel Public Events held at this event.

This Limited List is legal on the weekend of the event and only at the event. Duelists must comply with the list if they wish to participate in Speed Duel Public Events.

Copies of the list will be available at the Public Events stage for Duelists to reference.

The Speed Duel Limited List works like the Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited List.


Forbidden: None of the following cards can be used.

  • My Precious Queen! (Weevil Underwood Skill Card)

Limited 1: Only 1 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 1” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

  • Twisted Personality (Yami Marik Skill Card)
  • Fossil Warrior Skull Knight
  • Golden Ladybug
  • Submarineroid
  • Mystical Space Typhoon
  • Offerings to the Doomed
  • Floodgate Trap Hole
  • Nightmare Wheel
  • Zoma the Spirit


Limited 2: Only 2 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 2” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

  • Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Weevil Underwood Skill Card)
  • Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
  • Vortex Trooper
  • Parasite Paranoid
  • Allure of Darkness
  • Cup of Ace
  • Foolish Burial
  • Machine Angel Ritual
  • Reinforcement of the Army
  • Supply Squad
  • Time Stream


Limited 3: Only 3 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 3” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

  • Cyber Angel Benten
  • D.D. Warrior Lady
  • Gearfried the Iron Knight
  • Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
  • Book of Moon
  • Cosmic Cyclone
  • Paleozoic Canadia
  • Sakuretsu Armor
  • Survival’s End



Q: What are the rules for a Remote Duel Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Tournament?

A: Duelists registering for this event will need to already own an intact copy of Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny to participate in the Tournament(s).

Deck Construction Rules
Main Deck Size All Main Deck Cards
Forbidden/Limited List The Advanced Format list does not apply.



Q: What are the rules for a Time Wizard Tournament?

A: Time Wizard events use the available Cards, Forbidden & Limited List, and game rules from the era determined by the chosen format for the tournament you enter.

There will primarily be two Time Wizard formats offered as Public Events at the Remote Duel YCS.

The first format will use the April 2005 Forbidden and Limited List, and the last legal set will be Dark Beginnings 2. This will be the “July 2005” format Time Wizard event.

The second format will use the March 2010 Forbidden and Limited List, and the last legal set will be Duelist Pack: Kaiba. This will be the “April 2010” format Time Wizard event.

While these two formats will be the primary formats offered, they aren’t the only formats possible! If you and your friends would like to play a different format, come chat with event staff at Public Events to get your preferred format started!

VIP Qualifiers


Want to be a VIP (Very Important Player) at the Remote Duel YCS? Locations for the VIP Qualifier Tournaments have been posted!


Remote Duel YCS FAQs


Remote Duel YCS Information

  • What is Remote Duel?
  • How do I enter the Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (Remote Duel YCS)?
  • How do I register for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • Who is eligible to compete in the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What should I do if my Country is not listed on the registration site list?
  • When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What is the format for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What Discord server will host the Remote Duel YCS?
  • How many Rounds will the Remote Duel YCS have?
  • How many Duelists will advance to Day 2?
  • How many Duelists will advance to the Top Cut?
  • Will any matches be livestreamed?
  • What will I need to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament?
  • I don’t have a Remote Duel Setup. Is there anything I can do to participate?
  • How do I create my Deck List on the registration website?
  • If I’ve never participated in a Remote Duel YCS tournament, what should I expect?
  • Will the Remote Duel YCS have Remote Duel YCS VIPs (VIPs) and how do I qualify to be one?
  • Will there be meal breaks during the tournament?
  • During my Match, how many cameras can I use to stream?
  • What happens if I am not done with my Match after time ends for a Round?
  • How do I find my table during the Remote Duel YCS?
  • How do I report my match result during the Remote Duel YCS?
  • Where do I find information during the Remote Duel YCS?

Invitations and Prizes

  • Do I need an invitation to participate in the Remote Duel YCS?
  • Can I win an invite to a Latin America World Championship Qualifier at the Remote Duel YCS?
  • Are there any Pack Prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What are the prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?
  • What is the Top Cut Game Mat and Prize Card for the Remote Duel YCS?

World Qualifying Points

  • If I make the Top Cut, will I earn World Qualifying Points at the Remote Duel YCS?
  • How do I find out more information about World Qualifying Points?

Card Legality

  • What cards are legal for play?
  • Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel?
  • Can I use OCG cards (cards printed for use in Japan and other Asian territories) in my Deck?
  • Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck?
  • Can I use Proxy cards in my Deck for Remote Duel?

Public Events

  • Will there be Public Events?


  • I may need assistance to participate in the Remote Duel YCS due to a disability or recent injury, what should I do?
  • I want to judge at the Remote Duel YCS, instead of competing as a Duelist – how can I apply?
  • Can I buy and sell from other people at the event?
  • Can I get a CARD GAME ID number at the Remote Duel YCS tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend the event?
  • Are there any items I am not allowed to have visible in my Dueling Setup during the tournament?
  • What Tournament Policy information do I need to know for a Remote Duel Event?
  • Am I allowed to stream or record any of my Matches?


Remote Duel YCS Information

Q: What is Remote Duel?

A: Remote Duel is Sanctioned Organized Play hosted in a virtual environment, run on designated Discord Servers. In order to participate, TCG Duelists will need a webcam, smartphone or tablet to display their field to their opponent. These events are perfect for Duelists that want to play from the comfort of their homes!


You can find more details on Remote Duel on our website:

All Duelists who wish to register for Public Events during the Remote Duel YCS will do so via the Tournament Organizer of the specific Remote Duel Server where they want to play Public Events. Please see the “When are Public Events scheduled?” question below for registration times for Public Events from our various Tournament Organizers.

Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document to prepare for events. This document was recently updated, so even if you have read it before, you should read over it again!

And also, the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only.


Q: How do I enter the Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (Remote Duel YCS)?

A:  Depending on your country of residence, you will pay the equivalent to the cost of the booster packs specified in the table below to receive the same number of booster packs of Supreme Darkness and registration in the event.


Country Packs Purchased for Entry
Argentina 2
Bahamas 2
Bolivia 3
Brazil 5
Chile 4
Colombia 5
Costa Rica 3
Dominican Republic 4
Ecuador 4
El Salvador 5
Guatemala 4
Guayana 4
Honduras 4
Jamaica 3
Mexico 5
Nicaragua 4
Panama 5
Paraguay 5
Peru 5
Trinidad & Tobago 4
Uruguay 2
Venezuela 4


Q: How do I register for the Remote Duel YCS?

A: All registrations for the Remote Duel YCS will be done via one of the Tournament Organizers assisting KDE-US in hosting this event from the list below. There will be at least one (1) OTS accepting registration for the Remote Duel YCS in most countries within Latin America. If your country is not listed, please see the What should I do if my Country is not listed on the registration site list? section below.

Duelists are required to have a mailing address in a Latin American country in order to participate in this event. When you register for the event, you will indicate where you would like your participation prizes to be shipped (to a local OTS or to your residence) or if you would like to pick them up directly from the OTS you registered at for the Remote Duel YCS.

Once Duelists have registered for the Remote Duel YCS at the OTS corresponding to their country of residence, all Duelists will then need to create an account in https://yugiohregistration.com, register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS, follow directions on the site to create a Deck List, and submit it between January 1st, 2025 through February 5th, 2025.

For details on how to create a Deck List, you can reference the How do I create my Deck List on the registration website? section of these FAQ.


Registration Site List  (this is for registration ONLY)

CountryCityOTSDiscord LinkContact EmailPacks Purchased for Entry
ArgentinaBuenos AiresDimagamehttps://discord.gg/bbQPG5Uhyugiohdimagame@gmail.com2
BoliviaCochabambaLast Trickhttps://discord.gg/SsjWhUyJf3lasttrick.bolivia@gmail.com3
BrazilManausDaisuki Variedadeshttps://discord.gg/HeASfYClojadaisukicards@gmail.com5
ChileSantiagoExodia Househttps://discord.gg/2fGCPhfY6uexodiahouse@gmail.com4
ChileSantiagoTCG Lifehttps://discord.gg/3mwJN9pTtcglifetienda@gmail.com4
ColombiaBogotaRyodan Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/PyKuUGkQryodanhobbycenter@gmail.com5
ColombiaBogotaUnlimited Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/GBVxHMEmbyunlimitedhobbycenter@hotmail.com5
Costa RicaAlajuelaOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
ColombiaSanta MartaAba Hobby Centerhttps://discord.gg/cjuMzEjmabahobbycenter@gmail.com5
Costa RicaHerediaOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
Costa RicaSan JoseOMEGA Card Game Storehttps://discord.gg/rMfGpNKinscripcion.omega@gmail.com3
Dominican RepublicSanto DomingoThe Wiri Storehttps://discord.gg/syzCasuainfo@thewirisotregc.com4
EcuadorQuitoPresi´s Corphttps://discord.gg/kwTNFghTshiva_186@hotmail.com4
HondurasTegucigalpaTCG Storehttps://discord.com/invite/QjjCur3remoteduelhn@gmail.com4
JamaicaMontego BayTraders Shackhttps://discord.gg/WEbnBHYgtradersshack@gmail.com3
MexicoCoatzacoalcosBattle City Coatzacoalcoshttps://discord.gg/QB2JTHdbattle_city_op@hotmail.com5
MexicoHermosilloMundo del Comichttps://discord.com/invite/zBg77wemundodelcomic@gmail.com5
MexicoMeridaTenumi Comicshttps://discord.gg/RWK2QZm7h3tenumicomics@gmail.com5
MexicoMexico CityMonster Sprimhttps://discord.gg/h3uzVCdmbpventas@monstersprim.com.mx5
MexicoTamaulipasVictory Roadhttps://discord.gg/TuBQjVNCvictoryroad.tampico@gmail.com5
NicaraguaManaguaTCG Arenahttps://discord.gg/XxEk3zztcgnicaragua@gmail.com4
PanamaPanamáNación Geekhttps://discord.gg/Sqsw3qMtVHventas@nacion-geek.com5
PeruLimaCarloncho Storehttps://discord.gg/Bvq8ATFqetcarloncho.store.torneos@gmail.com5
Trinidad & TobagoTBDTBDTBDTBD4
VenezuelaValenciaHobbie´s Placehttps://discord.gg/CRtsCt4hobbiesplacevzla@gmail.con4



Q: Who is eligible to compete in the Remote Duel YCS?

A: To take part and compete in the Remote Duel YCS, a Duelist needs to meet the following criteria.

  • Duelists must have a CARD GAME ID and be in good standing
    • Suspended Duelists are not considered to be in good standing and may not register or compete
  • Duelists must have a mailing address in a Latin American country.
  • Duelist must have stable internet connection.
  • Duelists will need a webcam, smartphone or tablet to display their field to their opponent.


Q: What should I do if my Country is not listed on the registration site list?

A:If you reside in Latin America and your country of residence is not listed above, please email opsupport.lat@devir.com and state that you would like to participate in the Latin America Remote Duel YCS – February 2025 but reside in a country without an OTS hosting Registration.

Please include what country you are from and a Devir representative will be in contact with you in order to complete your registration. Please note that Duelists residing in countries that are not listed above will only be allowed to register from January 25th through February 5th, 2025.


Q: When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS?

A: Registration for the Remote Duel YCS opens at 12:00 AM CT on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025.

Registration will remain open until 11:59 PM CT on February 5th. Any Duelist that does not register before this time will only be able to register late.

 Once Duelists have registered for the Remote Duel YCS at the OTS corresponding to their country of residence, all Duelists will then need to create an account in https://yugiohregistration.com, register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS, follow directions on the site to create a  Deck List, and submit it between January 24th, 2025 through February 5th, 2025. You do not need to turn in a Deck List when you register at the OTS in your country of residence, but you must turn in a Deck List on https://yugiohregistration.com before 11:59 PM CT on Wednesday February 5th. If you do not submit a Deck List on https://yugiohregistration.com by the 11:59 PM CT deadline, you will be automatically dropped from the event.

You can create your Deck List here:

After you have completed your Deck List, you will need to submit it. Deck Lists submitted online can be resubmitted up until 11:59 PM CT on February 5th, 2025. At that time, the submitted Deck List becomes final and cannot be changed. No Deck List submitted after February 5th, 2025 can be changed.

REMEMBER! In order to submit your Deck List, you will need to register for the February 2025 Remote Duel YCS. Duelists are responsible to make sure that they are registering with the same information on both https://yugiohregistration.com and the OTS assigned to their country of residence.

You can register to submit your Deck List here:

This registration on https://yugiohregistration.com/Events/Register.aspx?id=13873 is in addition to registering with the OTS in your country. You must register both with the OTS in your country and on https://yugiohregistration.com in order to fully register for the event. On the Register page linked above, you will select the Deck List you created in order to submit it. When you click the Register button, the Deck List will be submitted. Once the Deck List is submitted, it can no longer be changed.

Late registration will open at 12:00 AM CT on February 6th, 2025 and remain open until 11:00 AM CT on February 7th, 2025. Anyone that registers late will receive a Round one (1) loss for the Remote Duel YCS.


Remote Duel YCS Registration Opens at select OTS January 1st, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Deck List submission opens at https://yugiohregistration.com, January 1st, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Registration Closes and Deck List submission deadline February 5th, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT
Remote Duel YCS Late Registration Opens February 6th, 2025 at 12:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Late Registration Closes February 7th, 2025 at 11:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Day 1 scheduled to begin February 8th, 2025 at 10:00 AM CT
Remote Duel YCS Day 2 scheduled to begin February 9th, 2025at 9:00 AM CT


IMPORTANT!! Duelists residing in countries that are not listed at the top of the page will only be allowed to register from January 24th through February 5th, 2025.


Q: What is the format for the Remote Duel YCS?

A: The Remote Duel YCS tournament is a Constructed – Advanced Format event, which means each Duelist must use his or her own Deck to compete. Decks must be constructed per the latest Advanced Format guidelines. (See here for more information: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/index.html.) The Forbidden & Limited list is updated periodically; refer to the “UPDATED” date on that page to ensure your Deck matches the current format.

For Remote Duel there is an additional Remoted Duel Forbidden List as well.  Please see the Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel? section for more details.


Q: What Discord server will host the Remote Duel YCS?

A: Due to limitations inherent to Discord, Day 1 of the Remote Duel YCS may be held on multiple Discord servers. Each additional server will be assigned a group of table numbers. Please make sure you have joined the Discord Server at the Top of this FAQ before the start of Round 1 so that you are prepared to play immediately. If needed, the invite links for the additional servers will be found in the #announcements channel on the Monster Sprim Remote Duel YCS Discord server.


Q: How many Rounds will the Remote Duel YCS have?

A: The total number of Duelists registered will determine the number of Rounds that are played on each host Discord server.

Number of Participants Number of Swiss Rounds Swiss Rounds Day 1 Minimum Points to make Day 2 Swiss Rounds Day 2 Playoff Top Cut
129 – 256 Duelists 8 Rounds 8 Rounds Top 32 None Top 32
257 – 512 Duelists 9 Rounds 9 Rounds Top 32 None Top 32
513 – 1024 Duelists 10 Rounds 8 Rounds 16 Points 2 Rounds Top 32


Q: How many Duelists will advance to Day 2?

A: The number of Duelists that advance to Day 2 will be determined by the total number of Duelists registered in the Remote Duel YCS.

If there are 512 Duelists or fewer registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then the Top 32 Duelists will advance to Day 2.

If there are 513 – 1024 Duelists registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 16 Points will advance to Day 2.


Q: How many Duelists will advance to the Top Cut?

A: The tournament will cut to Top 32 after all Rounds of Swiss are completed.  Prizes will be awarded down to the 32nd place.


Q: Will any matches be livestreamed?

A: There will not be a Livestream of the Remote Duel YCS. You can follow blog-type coverage of the event at https://yugiohblog.konami.com.


Q: What will I need to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament?

A: You should have a tournament-legal Deck as described under “What is the format for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series?,” along with any tournament supplies you will need, such as paper and pen to track Life Points, dice or counters if you are using cards which require them, extra sleeves to replace any that become damaged, and so forth.  If you have a CARD GAME ID number, you should have your number.

You will also need a functional Remote Duel setup.  You can find more information on Remote Duel technical requirements here: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/remoteduel/Remote Duel Set Up Guide.pdf


Q: I don’t have a Remote Duel Setup. Is there anything I can do to participate?

A: Some Official Tournament Stores (OTS) can offer Remote Duel Stations to allow Remote Duelists to participate in Remote Duel tournaments. These same Remote Duel Stations can be used to participate in the Remote Duel YCS. Keep in mind that quantities are limited so please make sure to reach out to your OTS to check as soon as possible.


Q: How do I create my Deck List on the registration website?

A: You can find a Guide on creating, copying, and registering your Deck List on the registration website at https://yugiohregistration.com/Decks/HowToCreateAndRegisterDecks.aspx.


Q: If I’ve never participated in a Remote Duel YCS tournament, what should I expect?

A: Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series allows Duelists to attend a YCS from the comfort of their homes. No need to make travel arrangements!

First time Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document in order to prepare for events.

And also the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only.

There are a lot of things you should do to make sure you are prepared before participating in the tournament. Read over the list of things you will need for the tournament, and make sure you have everything. It is your responsibility to ensure all of your equipment is in working order, that any necessary updates have been performed, and your internet connection is steady and reliable before the event begins. Check everything carefully so you are ready to play.

Make sure to join all Day 1 Discord servers early. This will allow you time to reach out to the Tournament Organizer if there are any issues joining the server.

Make sure to read through the When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS? Section of this FAQ above, this will give you all the information necessary to register properly and not incur any penalties.

There is a very helpful article on our strategy site that will help you fill out your Deck List properly.  Just follow the link here: https:/yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=3534

Duelists are responsible for paying attention to information from judges and/or tournament staff in order to understand what is going on. If Duelists have questions about the event either beforehand or during the event, they should check with the Event Staff in the #ask-event-staff channel of their assigned server.

Before participating in the event, all Duelists should read over the Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE-US) Tournament Policy and Penalty Guidelines carefully.   These documents tell you what you can and cannot do at an event and give you a good idea of what to expect.  You may find these Guidelines by clicking the following links.

Tournament Policy:


Tournament Infractions and Penalties Policy:


Remember, there is more to do at the Remote Duel YCS than just compete in the main tournament.  There are lots of Public Events to participate in as well. Read over the FAQ carefully, and you’ll be off to a great start.


Q: Will the Remote Duel YCS have Remote Duel YCS VIPs (VIPs) and how do I qualify to be one?

A: Yes! You can find a list of Remote Duel YCS VIP Qualifier events at


  • A Duelist who wins a Remote Duel YCS VIP Qualifier, or a UDS Invitational Champion who is still in procession of his belt , earns the following benefits as a VIP: FREE entry to the Remote Duel YCS, the same number of booster packs that need to be purchased to enter the tournament in the VIP Qualifier winner’s country and any participation prizes normally awarded at the time of registration (if applicable)
  • Remote Duel VIP Field Center Card
  • Two-Round Bye at the Remote Duel YCS. VIPs start the tournament in Round 3 with a 2-0 record (2 Wins and 0 Losses).

Remote Duel YCS VIP Field Center Card

Please note that all VIPs must still register on time. Their names will not appear on the first and second Round pairings. Any Duelist that has earned VIP status will need to register directly with Devir Americas, please reach out to Devir Americas at opsupport.lat@devir.com  to complete your registration process. If claiming VIP Status as a UDS Champion, you will be asked to show possession of your belt in a video call via Discord.


Q: Will there be meal breaks during the tournament?

A: There will not be any meal breaks scheduled into the tournament.


Q: During my Match, how many cameras can I use to stream?

A: During a match, a maximum of 1 camera can be active per Duelist.


Q: What happens if I am not done with my Match after time ends for a Round?

A: Sometimes a Match will not be finished when the time ends for a Round. If this happens, it is both Duelists’ responsibility to note whose turn it is when time is called. Duelists who require assistance with the End of Match procedures should call for a judge. The judge should be notified that the Match is ongoing and whose turn it is. The judge may or may not stay to supervise the End of Match procedure but should ensure that both Duelists understand the following procedures.

End of Match procedures should follow these three (3) rules:

Rule #1: If time is called while Duelists are in the middle of a Game, the current Game must have a decision (Win, Loss, or Draw)

Rule #2: Once the current Game has concluded with a decision, determine the winner of the Match by determining the number of Game Wins (or Game Losses) each Duelist has for the current Match. The Duelist with the most Game Wins will win the Match.

Swiss Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time was called in between games of a Match when both Duelists had the same number of Game Wins, then the Match is a Draw.

Single-Elimination Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time is called in between Games of a Match while both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, they will begin a new Duel with specific guidelines.

  • Neither Duelist may use his or her Side Deck. If time was called in between Games of a Match and at least one Duelist has already accessed his or her Side Deck, then both Duelists may use their Side Deck.
  • Duelists must use a random method (die roll, coin flip, etc.) to determine who will go first.
  • The Duel will continue for a total of four (4) turns, two (2) turns for each Duelist, unless a Duelist manages to win the Duel before the four (4) turns have concluded.
    • A “turn” is defined as the start of the Draw Phase until the end of the End Phase for a single Duelist.
  • Once the four (4) turns are completed, Life Point totals are compared and the Duelist with the highest Life Point total wins the Match.
  • If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same after the four (4) turns are completed, then play will continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the winner of that Game.

Rule #3: If a win condition occurs during End of Match Procedures, that Duelist wins the current Game.

Keeping these three (3) rules in mind, please follow these instructions when proceeding to End of Match procedures:

  • Continue with the current Phase of the Game. Once the Phase is over, stop the game.
  • Determine a Game Winner at this point, with the Duelist with the most Life Points winning the Game.
    • During Swiss Rounds, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same, the Game is a Draw. Compare Game Wins with the Duelist with the most Game Wins winning the Match. If the Game Win totals are the same, the Match is a Draw.
    • During Single-Elimination, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the current Phase (Step 1 above), finish the current turn. If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the turn, then play will continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the winner of that Game.
  • Match Draws cannot occur during Single-Elimination Rounds.


Q: How do I find my table during the Remote Duel YCS?

A: Each Round, pairings will be posted in a channel named #ycs-main-event-pairings in the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. The pairings will be posted as a series of images. The images are the pairings for the Round, sorted by Duelists’ Last Name. Find your name on the Pairings channel to see the Table you are assigned for the Round.

Alternatively, the same channel will also have a QR code posted to the Online Pairings website. For this website, you will enter your CARD GAME ID and the Online Pairings website will tell you what Table you are assigned for the Round. If you are not sure what your CARD GAME ID is, you can find it next to your name on the images of the pairings list and then use it for future Rounds.

Regardless of if you find your assigned table through the pairings images or the Online Pairings website, Once you have found your assigned Table for the Round, you will be able to find it in the list of voice channels. For example, if you are assigned Table 20, you would find the voice channel Table 20 and join that for your match.


Q: How do I report my match result during the Remote Duel YCS?

A: Once you have completed your match, you can report your result in the #ycs-Round-results text channel in the Remote Duel YCS Discord server.


Q: Where do I find information during the Remote Duel YCS?

A: If you have any questions before, during, or after the Remote Duel YCS, you should first check the #faq text channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. Many frequently asked questions have answers there. You should also check the #announcements channel for recent announcements that may answer your question. Finally, if you have not found an answer elsewhere, you can request assistance by reaching out to the staff members managing the Remote Duel YCS Server.


Invitations and Prizes

Q: Do I need an invitation to participate in the Remote Duel YCS?

A: You do not need an invitation to participate. This event is open to all eligible Duelists.


Q: Can I win an invite to a Latin America World Championship Qualifier at the Remote Duel YCS?

A: The top 32 Duelists at the completion of the final Round of Swiss play will earn an invite to a future World Championship Qualifier.


Q: Are there any Pack Prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?

A: 9th – 16th place Duelists will receive 24 booster packs of the most recent core booster release.


Q: What are the prizes for the Remote Duel YCS?



Place Prizes

Ultra Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Prize Card: Anotherverse Solaria

Remote Duel YCS Trophy

Remote Duel YCS Branded Premium Messenger Bag

Steam Deck OLED

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Metal Dice Set

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Card Memorabilia Frame

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


Super Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Prize Card: Anotherverse Solaria

Remote Duel YCS Branded Premium Messenger Bag

Steam Deck OLED

Invite to the next World Championship Qualifier tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Metal Dice Set

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Card Memorabilia Frame

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


Super Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Prize Card: Anotherverse Solaria\

Steam Deck OLED

Invite to the next World Championship Qualifier tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Metal Dice Set

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Card Memorabilia Frame

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


Steam Deck OLED

Invite to the next World Championship Qualifier tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Metal Dice Set

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Card Memorabilia Frame

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


24 booster packs of the current booster release

Invite to the next World Championship Qualifier tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Card Memorabilia Frame

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


Invite to the next World Championship Qualifier tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves

Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat

World Qualifying Points


**In addition to the other prizes for 1st place, the winner will receive complimentary travel and accommodation for the next World Championship Qualifier in their territory.


Q: What is the Top Cut Game Mat and Prize Card for the Remote Duel YCS?

Remote Duel YCS Trophy

2024-2025 YCS Prize Card


Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Metal Dice Set
(Please note that color and YCS Logo may differ per event)

 YuGiOh! Championship Series Memorabilia Card Frame
(Please note that cards inside the memorabilia frame and YCS logo may differ per event)

Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Sleeves


World Qualifying Points

Q: If I make the Top Cut, will I earn World Qualifying Points at the Remote Duel YCS?

A: Yes, all the Duelists that make the Top Cut at the Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event will earn World Qualifying Points for the World Qualifying Points Playoff at the next WCQ.


Q: How do I find out more information about World Qualifying Points?

A: Please see the Worlds Qualifying Points Page for Frequently Asked Questions here: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/wqp/



Card Legality

Q: What cards are legal for play?

A: Please check the “Products” page online at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/products/ for at the most current legality dates of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product releases, prior to preparing your Deck for the event.


Q: Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel?

A: Certain types of card effects involving Private Knowledge cannot be successfully resolved in Remote Duel and are considered to be Forbidden in Remote Duel only.

Cards Forbidden in Remote Duel are not Forbidden for in-person play, therefore they are not displayed on the Advanced or Traditional Format Forbidden & Limited List.

Please consult with the Head Judge for the event if you have questions about the legality of cards in your Deck.

This Forbidden List is in addition to the Forbidden and Limited list posted on the website.



Public Events

Q: Will there be Public Events?

A: Yes, choose the Public Events Schedule from the menu at the top of this FAQ to view the schedule and more information about the Public Events for this YCS!



Q: I may need assistance to participate in the Remote Duel YCS due to a disability or recent injury, what should I do?

A: Please contact the Event Coordinator or Tournament Organizer of the Remote Duel YCS Discord server to make them aware of your concerns so that between them and the KDE-US Representatives, you can be provided with a comfortable gaming experience.


Q: I want to judge at the Remote Duel YCS, instead of competing as a Duelist – how can I apply?

A: If you’re interested in judging at a Tier 2 or higher event, please visit http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/judges/index.html, for information about how to join the Konami Judge Program.

All potential judges must pass the online Rulings Comprehension Level 1 test, and then complete an online application to join the Judge Program.

Please see the KONAMI Judge Program FAQ for answers to most common questions: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/judges/judge-faq/


Q: Can I buy and sell from other people at the event?

A: Duelists are not allowed to buy or sell from one another on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers. If you do so, you risk incurring penalties, including being disqualified and removed from the event.

Buying and selling includes all items, not just cards or gaming supplies.

Trading is restricted to cards and Yu-Gi-Oh! related items such as playmats and dice – attendees may not trade other items on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers.

Attendees may not solicit business, distribute links to sites or servers, etc., while on the Remote Duel YCS Discord servers.


Q: Can I get a CARD GAME ID number at the Remote Duel YCS tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend the event?

A: If you previously had a COSSY ID, that same number will carry over as your CARD GAME ID. You will still need to register online at https://cardgame-network.konami.net/.

If you do not remember your previous 10-digit ID, an Event Staff member on one of the Discord servers hosting the event should be able to assist in finding your correct ID. Duelists should avoid acquiring new CARD GAME IDs if the previous ID can be found.

If you do not have a CARD GAME ID number, you can get one by registering online at https://cardgame-network.konami.net/.


Q: Are there any items I am not allowed to have visible in my Dueling Setup during the tournament?

Attendees may not display or have visible any items that are prohibited by law in their area (local, state, or federal). In addition, unlawful items/transactions, weapons of any kind, and substance drugs which may be illegal on a local, state, and/or federal level, are not allowed at Sanctioned/Official events. Attendees who have any such items visible will incur penalties, including Disqualification and removal from the event, and risk suspension from KDE-US Organized Play.

The use of electronic and/or vapor cigarettes are not permitted to be visible during any Sanctioned/Official Remote Duel events.


Q: What Tournament Policy information do I need to know for a Remote Duel Event?


Duelists are responsible to know the information contained in KDE-US Official Tournament Policy documents, which can be found here:  https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/organizedplay/

As this is a Remote Duel event, please ensure you have read the Tournament Policy Remote Duel Addendum, found at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/Remote_Duel_Addendum_KDE-US_V-1.pdf, to ensure you are following all requirements for Remote Duel events.


Q: Am I allowed to stream or record any of my Matches?

A: Duelists are not allowed to stream or record any of the Matches during this event.